Newbridge on Wye Three Year Setting is a caring and nurturing setting for up to 20 children, including those with additional needs. Our daily maximum capacity of the building is 20 although we only cater for 16 children at any one time due to staffing.
The setting offers sessional day care for 3- and 4-year-olds during term time. The setting is led by Mrs Michelle Havard-Pratt who is ably assisted by Mrs Rachael Blakeway and Mrs Sarah Waters. Miss Samantha Williams, Headteacher of the school is the Responsible Individual for the setting.
Newbridge on Wye Three Year Setting is situated within Newbridge on Wye Church in Wales School in the village of Newbridge on Wye in Powys, Mid Wales. The setting has a purpose-built room and access to its own outdoor area.
We welcome parents at the setting and keep parents informed via our Seesaw app which provides parents with a log of what activities their children have been engaging with daily. We produce setting newsletters and post updates on the school Facebook and Twitter pages as well as our page on the school website.
Admissions to our Setting are managed by the Local Authority. Please contact Powys County Council’s Admissions Team to reserve a place for your child.
For further information on our setting please read our Statement of Purpose.